Computers & Networking

At Shore Systems, We understand that customers prefer a vendor that can provide them with everything they need from start to finish. Not only to just do the job, but to the it right with a high level of professionalism and craftsmanship. We understand that finding the most effective method of building and managing your technology solutions is vital to the success of your business. We are also aware that every business is unique and requires its own personal and professional attention. That is why we are dedicated to help you find the solution that is right for you, regardless of your industry’s size or objectives.

Shore Systems offers 3 support plans as outlined below.

Time & Materials - There is no minimum amount and there is no commitment made to Shore Systems, Inc. for additional work. Users do not have access to our Help Desk, and we guarantee a response time. Service calls are dispatched to Bulk Hours and Premier accounts first.

Bulk Hours - A block of 20 hours and prepays for the support. This block of hours can be carried over from one month to the next. The client will receive a ledger at the end of the month with a transaction list of service calls and the amount of time spent on each call. When the amount of time in the block drops to 3 hours the client is invoiced for an additional 20 hours. Under this agreement, the client is offered emergency response time of 8 hours, and has access to our Help Desk. Any support calls spent on the Help Desk over 15 minutes are deducted against the time block.

Premier Agreement - This agreement is for clients who wish to outsource most of their technology needs. Shore Systems will interface with all vendors, suppliers, and represent your environment. We will facilitate as much or as little as directed by the client. We will conduct routine maintenance on computers and printers as needed. Our Premier customers receive priority 1 emergency service within 4 hours from when the call is received. Premier customers are entitled to 1 hour of support per computer per month. These hours do not transfer over from month to month. If the hours are not used during the month, they expire. A customer may adjust the number of hours that they wish to purchase at any time.